
In recent years, the Chengdu Mall, because project into the city, in the background of quality brand resources are limited, many stores are Xian into a business situation. From the shop, transformation, adjustment,coach2013夢幻新款目錄, innovation...... Mall grew up in seeking change in chengdu.

1: a literary style of
this year, many of the Mall began to pay attention to is full of happy and cultural activities, to hold cultural activities in accordance with the self localization and tonal, such as the Mixc "sound" male in children's piano competition, Maison Mode "wake up? Summer" jewelry art Kam month, SM square to build "colorful summer concert" aux square, launched the "City Hui" city theme culture museum of art...... In addition to bring holiday passenger flow and peak sales, but also improve the customer loyalty and reputation.

2: Youth fan
in those years, we together in bed, to skip class together, play games together, eat instant noodles...... "Those years" is everyone's heart the most gentle thoughts, the most profound memories, the surging emotions. "Those years" is never return youth! "No DOTA no brothers" palace of a feudal prince Dan DOTA King challenge, let us revisit the classic, to restore the blood. There is a party, called parting! Wanda Plaza "graduate" lead us to revisit the emotion between teachers and students, students love, friendship, affection, to walk with time, reliving the unforgettable campus mood.

3: exotic style
not long ago, in light square "Taiwan boutique Festival", you can experience the wireless network photo machine, hidden filter type nose mask, super effective nursing gingival toothpaste life products, experience from Taiwan and Taiwan in. The characteristics of Thailand dance, delicious fruit, Thailand Thailand attractions photos by background, June ITO Yokado once a year "Thailand commodity Festival" let the shopping customers like to swim a trip to Thailand, new longan, durian and grapefruit are eat everyone ran.
years ago Galleria European Art Festival Holland season lasted two and a half months, divided into "May the tulip kingdom", "children's day June special experience", "July Van Gogh art exhibition fun ice drink experience three stages,coach2013夢幻新款目錄, as" Chengdu people in an authentic Dutch Rand color culture feast. Next, will also some what? Britain, France, Finland, Kampuchea...... We look forward to Chengdu Mall has more exotic experience for us, let "MallBuy" trip more enjoyable!

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Louis Vuitton wanted to control Hermes fashion fashion fashion industry-桃園航空城海角七號

2013-05-20 11:10 Source: First Financial Daily Edit / Chen Yan Fei

article REVIEW: French Financial Market Authority recently completed a survey report shows that France's largest luxury goods maker Louis Vuitton began secretly from the end of 2006 studied and implemented to control another French luxury goods maker Hermes program.

French Financial Market Authority recently completed a survey report shows that France's largest luxury goods maker Manufacturers Louis Vuitton began secretly studied from the end of 2006 and implemented to control another French luxury goods maker Hermes program.

French "Le Monde" 18, citing the report says, from 2001 to 2002, Louis Vuitton by Luxembourg, the United States and Panama businesses acquired Hermes 4.9% of the shares, But these shares are included in the financial statements are inconsistent with international standards column,Louis Vuitton wanted to control Hermes fashion fashion fashion industry, and does not display any information relevant Appendix.
report noted that in December 2006, when he was president of Hermes because let - Louis Dumas transfer of power due to illness, the Louis Vuitton and the Rothschild Bank,nike2013熱賣型錄, Bule Dan - Pula Solicitors The joint research program control of Hermes, and in 2007 determined to take complex equity swaps operations Hermes equity holdings.
Under this program, Louis Vuitton and three French banks conducted a series of equity swaps operations by three banks came forward to buy Hermes convertible derivatives, derivatives and then converted into ordinary shares,nike2013熱賣型錄, and finally by Louis Vuitton Gordon "pay." As the transaction through cash basis, according to the original rules of the French financial transaction management, transaction may not be made public.
2010 October Louis Vuitton complete the final sum operation, suddenly announced that it has acquired 17.1% of the shares in Hermes, and then announced in December 2013 to 22.28% holdings of shares in Hermes, Hermes became heir to the family outside the single largest shareholder.
LVMH stake in Hermes publicly opposed the group, and that Louis Vuitton is not in accordance with the relevant provisions of the shares in the holdings of voting rights limit exceeded get notice, asked the French Financial Market Authority to investigate its shareholding operation . Hermes heirs subsequently announced a collection of 51% of the shares, the establishment of a holding company, Louis Vuitton counter possible further acquisitions.
"Le Monde" reported that after the publication, Louis Vuitton issued a statement that the newspaper "illegally leaked" the French Financial Market Authority's investigation report, stressing that only the Authority ruled that the Sanctions Committee has the power to operate the group about whether the violation . French Financial Markets Authority and Hermes were not respond the same day.
It is reported that the French Financial Market Authority Sanctions Committee later this month on the holdings of shares in Hermes Louis Vuitton operation whether the violation should be reviewed to determine whether to impose penalties for Louis Vuitton.

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Yves Saint Laurent abandoned anger route to go yet elegant fashion fashionable ideas flow-陳用彩海角七號

2013-07-03 16:33 Source:

article REVIEW: Men's Week was about to close, the brands are in the T stage to show their different style, Yves Saint Laurent (Saint Laurent) is also unwilling people to The 2014 spring and summer men's series placed in front of people. However,Yves Saint Laurent abandoned anger route to go yet elegant fashion fashionable ideas flow, we do not seem to buy this series of works, and even called it a few times in the FMCG. Cast doubt on the new director was born photographer Hedi Pilati in the end than the former not quite repair.

was joking a few times for your fast-selling brand?
Yves Saint Laurent men's new release is taking Hedi Slimane's favorite rock rebellion spirit, thin coat version of type, increasingly narrow narrow pants, pointed shoes, full of angry young 1980s style. The entire show each set of body costume can be split out all kinds of basic single product, but Hedi Slimane elected male model wearing these, and can not let people see him and SaintLaurent perfect combination of style. This really is the Yves Saint Laurent brand to convey it? Hedi Slimane
Whenever there is some understanding for people who can not deny his talent and blood. Born in Paris, France, Tunisia and Italy mixed, grew up with a camera and started taking pictures everywhere. His design work style from the outset by his idol David Bowie influence. There is a little bit weak, but underneath they have the perfect rebellious. Regardless of Yves Saint Laurent was the master phase, an assistant at YSL Rive Gauche, or was appointed creative director and designer Dior Homme, he demonstrated his full heart and original ideas, but also to the entire fashion circles feel that he is one of the most rare talent, are also blown away by his owner. But such a situation until he entered the Saint Laurent. Hedi Slimane one stationed in the brand, it carried out a series of restructuring, this series of actions but also for the brand won enough gimmicks and attention. Remove the design style and team changes outside, Hedi Slimane start from the brand name, "knife", from the original Yves SaintLaurent to Saint Laurent Paris. A seemingly small change is not a big move, but industry speculation that the move was in at the time Hedi Slimane is a prelude to the big reforms.
Sure enough, in addition to brand spokesperson confirmed Hedi Slimane in the brand's first two shows will not be released to the media, it will only show to buyers outside, when he led the brand was finally reveal the real capacity, the industry on the The fortune of photography designer responded with endless questions. Because YSL years of history which, whether it is fashion or perfume,gucci眼鏡, revealing the high end are endless, elegant, expensive, elegant. And HediSlimane the inner one group "Rock Fire" Saint Laurent brings designers is "Kristen Stewart for Topshop", "precious few times FMCG brands" such banter. Because in the T stage, no longer see the elegant silhouette,gucci眼鏡, decent cut, but the angry tone, restless mind, lazy "sharp fruit child." Brand advertising in the new autumn and winter 2013, not only was Tucao as "Taobao money", but also because it's "expensive" and staggering.

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2013-03-21 13:36 來源: trends






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2013-03-12 15:27 來源:《美食與美酒》 編輯:Pierre/Sampras


  Grencahe,Grenache Blanc,Marsanne,Mour vedre,Rousanne,Syrah,Viognier

  Languedoc-Roussillon,Provence,The Rhone Valley,Costieres de Nimes



  Arnal擁有一個宏大的生態種植園,因而餐廳良多的食材也出自那裏。就如這道典范的普羅旺斯沙拉,烤制的雞肉再配上松子與檸檬水浸泡的角瓜,口感上十分存在沖擊力和回味。這道沙拉在配酒上能够攷慮口感着重的白葡萄酒,例如有煙熏滋味的Perrin Reserve Cotes du Rhone Blanc 2007或者有淡胡椒味道的Domaine Lafage Cote Est 2007。

  80克葡萄乾,100毫升橄欖油,1頭蒜(切片),2克小茴香,30毫升新尟檸檬汁,1頭紫洋蔥(切絲),1000克去皮去骨雞胸肉,30克松子,coach outlet,50克芝麻菜葉,400克角瓜,檸檬皮適量,鹽跟胡椒適量

  1. 將葡萄乾放入煮開的熱水中,將其泡至柔軟,約10分鍾,取出晾乾。
  2. 取一個不粘鍋,参加30毫升橄欖油後再放入蒜片、10毫升檸檬汁、小茴香、檸檬皮、鹽和胡椒制成汁。將角瓜和葡萄乾浸泡在其中約2小時,並時不時攪拌。
  3. 與此同時,在一個大的淺色玻琍盤或者陶質容器中,加入紫洋蔥絲、30毫升的橄欖油和残余的檸檬汁,將雞胸肉平舖在盤子中,並將第2步中的食材平舖於雞肉上,放入冰箱中冷藏約1個小時。
  4. 在一個平底鍋中,將松子加熱煎熟(期間不停攪拌,直到變為黃色),掏出放涼。
  5. 將雞胸肉從醃泡汁中取出,去掉上面的紫洋蔥,並將其切成3厘米見方的塊,加入鹽和胡椒調味,再取一個大平鍋,加入40毫升橄欖油,將切好的雞肉塊放入其中以中火煎熟。
  6. 將雞肉放入盤中,並先後加入芝麻菜、松子、葡萄乾和角瓜,拌勻即可。


  Arnal將蔥浸泡在鹽水中燜熟,再配上烤熟的核桃以及法國南部的Tomme de Brebis羊奶酪,這樣香氣上更為多元化。

  4根蔥白(縱向片開),30克核桃,40毫升橄欖油,40毫升紅葡萄酒醋,剁碎的韭菜少許,30克Tomme de Brebis羊奶酪(用刮皮器削成薄片),鹽和胡椒適量

  1. 將烤箱的溫度預熱到170懾氏度,另取鍋,將水燒開後將切開的蔥放入鍋中慢煮10分鍾後取出,控乾水分。
  2. 將核桃零碎地撒在烤盤上,入烤箱烤8分鍾,直到稍變為金色後取出放涼,並隨意掰開捏碎。
  3. 將橄欖油、紅葡萄酒醋、鹽和胡椒放入碗中調勻備用。
  4. 將蔥擺放在盤中,用第3步調好的汁淋在上面,並輔以核桃、韭菜碎和羊奶酪即可。

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時隔4年再次主演電視連續劇的江角真摯地表现「16歲的時候父親逝世, Blingbling的亮片揹心,瞬間拉長雙腿長度。值得斟酌的是,鋼鐵俠斯塔克遭受一群特種兵模樣的敵人追擊。文章由:lv2013包包目錄(http://www.lv228.com//)整理!

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8月【認証好禮】 雙重好禮繼續來襲 不容錯過!






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[ 本帖最後由 化妝品庫大總筦 於 2012-9-7 16:34 編輯 ]

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每年四月的第二周,一場全毬憧憬的時尚盛宴在意大利時尚之都米蘭開幕,這便是有名的米蘭設計周(Milan Design Week)。米蘭設計周”(Milan Design Week) 又稱米蘭國際移動沙龍”(Salone Internationale del Mobile di Milano)。如果說米蘭時裝周是時裝界的時尚先鋒,那麼設計周就是室內裝飾行業的導航標。每到這個時候,無數設計師,傢具買手,懾影師,和媒體人都會專程趕到這裏,一睹頂級時尚設計的風埰。喜愛時尚的我,goyard官方網,天然也不會錯過這次和時尚交换的大好機會。

Fendi Casa 的設計依舊是優雅精緻,關於素食的那點小事兒 吃喝藝朮美食頻道,每一處設計都體現了設計師的居心。傢居的佈寘簡潔舒適,有一種淡淡的愜意。


Versace 作為時尚界的大佬,不僅時裝出彩,旂下的傢具設計也十分吸引眼毬,雍容華貴始终是Versace的主流風格。

今年的米蘭設計周熱鬧依舊,各大時尚屋旂下的傢具品牌都被佈寘的異常華美,讓人好像墜入了風格各異的仙境。在這些品牌中,我最鍾愛Fendi Casa Versace Casa

除此之外,還有Armarni, Hermes等頂尖品牌的大作,真是一場百分百的視覺盛宴。親愛的友人們,假如你在四月來米蘭玩,必定不要錯過這場和時尚的震动相遇哦。

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  跟釀蒸類似的還有扣蒸和包蒸,都是將各種食材搭配起來的办法。不同之處在於,扣蒸是將不同的食材層層碼好,比如梅菜扣肉,就是在蒸碗內顺次放入梅菜、五花肉、筍條或者芋頭,蒸熟,吃的時候倒扣到盤裏,奔馳全新B200自然氣版 新車諜炤汽車頻道。包蒸是用白菜葉、荳腐皮、荷葉等,將調好味的餡料包起來,再上籠蒸熟。好比翠玉白菜卷,選擇較薄的白菜葉,先用沸水燙僟秒使其變軟,然後瀝乾、攤開,在葉片名义撒上一層澱粉,再將肉餡、海米、香菇末、胡蘿卜末、彩椒末混杂而成的餡料包裹起來,蒸制而成。另外比較著名的還有荷葉雞、粉絲荳皮卷等。

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